Reading Between The Lines
Video/performance, 5 minutes 18 seconds, 2022 Performance documentation
This piece revolves around a conversation two lions are having sitting in a rickshaw. Both adamantly believe that they are in control of the vehicle/ journey but their interaction with each
other makes them question their own reality and the viewer’s. The lions don’t understand each other’s perspective and in fact they have a mute translator in-between them who translates
each other’s words/feelings and reality by creating iconography using wet paint. The 2 lions sit on either side of the translator in a rickshaw. They each pear and press their faces through
plastic screens, allowing the translator to paint the others’ message onto them. This piece is about the frustration that develops when deeper messages get lost in translation.
Written, Produced & Performed by: Zoya Alina Currimbhoy
Collaborators/ Lions: Raana Kazmi & Babar Ali
This performance was a part of the “Q Rickshaw Project,” a public performative happening in Karachi, Pakistan, January 30th 2022.
Curated by Amin Gulgee and Adam Fahy-Majeed